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A simple guide for using KoolGrid Tutorials

A simple guide for using KoolGrid

If you're new to our KoolGrid, learning to start could take you some time. So here's a simple step by step guide for first time users of KoolGrid. Step 1 First you need to copy the KoolControls folder onto your web server/localhost. Step 2 Create an index.php file in on the same level ...

Posted on August 31, 2015 Read more
A good example of auto complete column in grid Tutorials

A good example of auto complete column in grid

Have you ever had to build a data grid which includes an auto complete column in the meaning that it would suggest items when you update, insert a record? Moreover, the suggested items are not what to be saved to the database but their codes are. Today I'm going to present to you a user case...

Posted on August 4, 2015 Read more
All resources that you need along the way with KoolPHP UI Tutorials

All resources that you need along the way with KoolPHP UI

Here is the complete lists of resources that you will need when using KoolPHP UI: [url=] Demo & Examples - View our product in action [url=] Documentation - View list of methods and properties [url=] Code Gen...

Posted on July 29, 2015 Read more
How to install and use our suite Tutorials

How to install and use our suite

When you download one of our suite packages, just extract it to your web project and you are ready to go. Every package comes with the following items: - The KoolControls folder contains our controls (full and/or trial version) including the most important ones such as grid, form, menu, tree, tab...

Posted on July 24, 2015 Read more