Our team are quite pleased to present to our customers a new version of KoolPHP UI, 8.8, with a lot of new features and bug fixes. While there are many details here is a short summary of changelog of this version:

- Bug fix: pie series tooltip's data format string.

- Replace escape and unescape with encodeURI and decodeURI.
- Bug fix: source code version.

- Bug fix: GridAutoCompleteColumn.
- Bug fix: GridFileColumn in the 2nd/3rd hierarchy levels.
- Bug fix: GridRowSelectColumn's AllowExporting bug.
- Bug fix: addslashes() when using PostgreSQL, use pg_escape_string() instead.
- Bug fix: virtual scrolling to last page with page overlap > 0.
- Bug fix: GridDateTimeColumn getFilterValue and getEditValue functions, NullDisplayText.
- Feature: export to CSV and Excel using direct sql command or export to CSV first and use PHPExcel to convert. QuickExportToExcel for all databases. DirectExportToCSV, DirectExportToExcel for MySQL.
- Feature: filter Contain '' to include NULL value by add $filter->NullFilter = true or $column->NullFilter = true;
- Feature: Add multi-filtering options.
- Feature: Add GridOptionsColumn.

- Bug fix: Excel exporting format works well.
- Bug fix: $pivot->ShowDataZone = false; works correctly.
- Feature: Add FireBirdPivotDataSource class.
- Feature: Add SeparateDataZone, SeparateRowZone, RowZoneWidth option.
- Feature: Add ("ShowDataZone" => false) for export config.
- Feature: Add server events OnReadingViewstate and OnSavingViewstate.
- Feature: Data export api, getColumnGroupNames, getRowGroupNames, getValues.
- Feature: Add PivotStringField for data field, $stringField->RelevantField.

- Bug fix: allow two or more trees in the same page with some nodes of the same names/ids without causing confusion.

- Bug fix: MultipleUpload.
- Bug fix: progressTracking option. Requirement: PHP 5.4 or higher with mod_php or Apache handler, no fastCGI.
- Feature: Enable support for pecl uploadprogress extension $peclUploadProgress. Requirement: mod_php or Apache handler, no fastCGI.

In the following days we will publish more update details and example codes in blogs and documentation. If you have any ny question please use our ticket system or or send support email to the team.

To download the new version, please go to your client area:
We hope you'll enjoy these updates!