Both server-side PHP and client-side Javascript are optimized to maximize controls speed.
The cool thing is that the supporter that support you is the author of control. So he know exactly what can be done and how it can be done. Feeling free to give him suggestion to improve the control in the way you think is best.
Our products are back with a lot of examples in the suite. Those examples are not only to demonstrate the product features but also can be copied and used in your code.
You can just copy our existed css files and start modifying the color to fit seamlessly to your website's theme.
Understand that everything is not perfect, so we provide the source code with professional license in order to let you have full control. With source-code you can learn or tweak the code to completely fit your need.
We apply the Lean Manufatoring method in to our software production in which we release fast with small increment. This method helps us to response fast to bugs and new suggested features.
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