Thanks guys :)
$grid->SingleFilter = true ;

Anthony Amolochitis | |
There is a grid I had seen today that is pretty close to one you guys have but not exactly there. It was really nice, and had a single search box at the top. The pager was on the bottom right hand side, with the page buttons touching. It would be a really nice built in theme, especially for the demo. Also, the single filter box would be really cool, or "Kool" if that were a feature that could be added. I know I can do a mysql concat to pull all the data into one string and use the like command to filter that, but an automated grid feature would be awesome. I'm not sure how much work that would entail, but I think it may help generate ideas, or a new theme.
Thanks guys :)
Posted Dec 9, 2015 , edited Dec 9, 2015
Kool - 2 people like this post
Peter | |
Thanks Anthony for your suggestion. This is a good one.
Posted Dec 9, 2015