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Exporting data from Grid to EXCEL does not work

Gerd Huber
After clicking on the Button "Export to Excel" nothing happend, i don't get the File-dialog to Open EXCEL.
What is wrong?
Posted Aug 7, 2015 Kool
Hi Gerd,
There might be some problem with the path to the PHPExcel library if you are on a linux machine (case-sensitive). Please check if the following case-sensitive paths exist in your KoolControls directory:
Posted Aug 11, 2015 Kool
Hi Gerd,
If there're too many wrong case-sensitive paths in PHPExcel directory, I suggest you go to:
download the package there and extract it into the directory KoolControls/library to fix the path problem.
Posted Aug 11, 2015 Kool
Gerd Huber
Hallo David,
i have changed the path, but the result is the same.
Posted Aug 11, 2015 Kool
Hi there Gerd. you may need to post your code.. there is mybe a problem when getting the id of the excel button from $_POST???
Posted Aug 11, 2015 Kool
Gerd Huber
Hallo Abraham,
here is my code, thanks.
$ds = new MySQLiDataSource($db);//This $db_con link has been created inside KoolPHPSuite/Resources/runexample.php

#$ds->DeleteCommand = "delete from `hhc_bilder02` WHERE `hhc_bilder02`.`ID_HHC_Bilder02`=@ID_HHC_Bilder02;";
$ds->SelectCommand = "SELECT
`hhc_titel`.`id_titel` ,
0 as auswahl,
CONCAT(`hhc_komponist`.`dt_komponist_name` ,', ', `hhc_komponist`.`dt_komponist_vorname` ) as komponist,
CONCAT(`hhc_bearbeiter`.`dt_bearbeiter_name` ,', ', `hhc_bearbeiter`.`dt_bearbeiter_vorname` ) as bearbeiter,
DATE_FORMAT(`hhc_titel`.`dt_titel_dauer`, '%i:%s') as dt_titel_dauer,
`hhc_bilder04`.`DT_Ordner_Stuecke` ,
case when(fk_titel_audio = 1)
then CONCAT('viewhhcSibelius.php?pn_nr=',`hhc_titel`.`id_titel`)
else CONCAT(`hhc_titel`.`dt_titel_bez`) end as link
, dt_titel_fuer_wertung
LEFT OUTER JOIN `hhc_komponist` ON (`hhc_titel`.`fk_titel_komponist` = `hhc_komponist`.`id_komponist`)
LEFT OUTER JOIN `hhc_bearbeiter` ON (`hhc_titel`.`fk_titel_bearbeiter` = `hhc_bearbeiter`.`id_bearbeiter`)
LEFT OUTER JOIN `hhc_stufe` ON (`hhc_titel`.`fk_titel_stufe` = `hhc_stufe`.`id_stufe`)
LEFT OUTER JOIN `hhc_verlag` ON (`hhc_titel`.`fk_titel_verlag_erschienen` = `hhc_verlag`.`id_verlag`)
INNER JOIN `hhc_titel_detail` ON (`hhc_titel`.`id_titel` = `hhc_titel_detail`.`fk_id_titel`)
INNER JOIN `hhc_bilder04` ON (`hhc_titel_detail`.`fk_id_hhc_bilder04` = `hhc_bilder04`.`ID_HHC_Bilder04`)
INNER JOIN `hhc_musikart` ON (`hhc_titel`.fk_titel_musikart = `hhc_musikart`.id_musikart)
(`hhc_titel`.`fk_titel_verlag` = 1) AND
(`hhc_titel`.`dt_titel_fuer_webpage` = -1) and
`hhc_titel_detail`.`fk_id_hhc_bilder04` = ". $_REQUEST["oart"] ."
`hhc_titel`.`dt_titel_bez` ASC";
/* Grid-Definitionen */
$grid = new KoolGrid("grid");
$grid->scriptFolder = $KoolControlsFolder."/KoolGrid";
$grid->AjaxLoadingImage = $KoolControlsFolder."/KoolAjax/loading/5.gif";
$grid->styleFolder = "sunset";
$grid->DataSource = $ds;
$grid->AjaxEnabled = true;
$grid->ExportSettings->FileName = "KoolGridExport_g";
$grid->AllowScrolling = true;
$grid->RowAlternative = true;
$grid->AllowDeleting = false;
$grid->Width = "1000px";
$grid->CharSet = "UTF-8" ;
$grid->AutoGenerateColumns = false;
$grid->MasterTable->Height = "500px";
# $grid->MasterTable->ColumnWidth = "150px";
$perpage = CON_anzahlzeilen;
$grid->PageSize = $perpage;
$grid->AllowSorting = true;
$grid->AllowHovering = true;
$grid->MasterTable->Pager = new GridPrevNextAndNumericPager();
$grid->MasterTable->Pager->Position = "top+bottom";
// Link erzeugen
$col = new GridCustomColumn();
$col->ReadOnly = true;
$col->HeaderText = "Titel";
$col->DataField = "dt_titel_bez";
$col->AllowFiltering = true;
$col->AllowSorting = true;
$col->Width = "150px";
$col->ItemTemplate = "<a href='{link}'>{dt_titel_bez}</a>";

$col = new GridRowSelectColumn();
$col->HeaderText = "ID1";
$col = new GridBooleanColumn();
$col->ReadOnly = true;
$col->HeaderText = "Auswahl";
$col->DataField = "auswahl";
$col->AllowFiltering = true;
$col->AllowSorting = true;
$col->UseCheckBox = true;
$col->Width = "50px";
$col->ItemTemplate = "{auswahl}";

$col = new GridCustomColumn();
$col->ReadOnly = true;
$col->HeaderText = "Komponist";
$col->DataField = "komponist";
$col->AllowFiltering = false;
$col->AllowSorting = true;
$col->Width = "110px";
$col->ItemTemplate = "{komponist}";

$col = new GridCustomColumn();
$col->ReadOnly = true;
$col->HeaderText = "Bearbeiter";
$col->DataField = "bearbeiter";
$col->AllowFiltering = false;
$col->AllowSorting = true;
$col->Width = "110px";
$col->ItemTemplate = "{bearbeiter}";

$col = new GridCustomColumn();
$col->ReadOnly = true;
$col->HeaderText = "Dauer";
$col->DataField = "dt_titel_dauer";
$col->AllowFiltering = false;
$col->Width = "40px";
$col->ItemTemplate = "{dt_titel_dauer}";

$col = new GridCustomColumn();
$col->ReadOnly = true;
$col->HeaderText = "Stufe";
$col->DataField = "dt_stufe_lbez";
$col->AllowFiltering = true;
$col->Width = "100px";
$col->ItemTemplate = "{dt_stufe_lbez}";

$col = new GridCustomColumn();
$col->ReadOnly = true;
$col->HeaderText = "Verlag";
$col->DataField = "dt_verlag_name";
$col->AllowFiltering = false;
$col->Width = "120px";
$col->ItemTemplate = "{dt_verlag_name}";

$col = new GridCustomColumn();
$col->ReadOnly = true;
$col->HeaderText = "Musikart";
$col->DataField = "dt_musikart_text";
$col->AllowFiltering = true;
$col->Width = "100px";
$col->ItemTemplate = "{dt_musikart_text}";


$grid->ExportSettings->IgnorePaging = true;


$Form_name = "Suche Noten";
echo ebene(1)."<FORM name=\"".$Form_name."\" class=\"decoration\" id=\"myform\" method=\"post\" accept-charset=\"".$charset_utf8."\" >\n";
<?php echo $koolajax->Render();?>
<div style="margin-bottom:10px;padding:10px;width:635px;background:#DFF3FF;border:solid 1px #C6E1F2;">
<input type="checkbox" id="IgnorePaging" name="IgnorePaging"/> <label for="IgnorePaging">Ignore Paging</label>
<input type="submit" name="ExportToCSV" value = "Export to CSV" />
<input type="submit" name="ExportToExcel" value = "Export to Excel" />
<input type="submit" name="ExportToWord" value = "Export to Word" />
<input type="submit" name="ExportToPDF" value = "Export to PDF" />
<?php echo $grid->Render();?>
Posted Aug 13, 2015 Kool
Hi there Gred.
Im afraid I find nothing unusual on your code..
but when I saw the line.. $grid->ExportSettings->FileName = "KoolGridExport_g"; it pops on my mind "there is mybe a problem with this".. soo have u tryed to remove this line and see whats happen?
also.. I prefer my ds->selectcommand to be cleaner. like having al the qry on mysql zide with a view, unless the qry is dynamic.
also when i find a problem where there seems not to be an actual problem I try a less complex and small code to test what i need to do.
please try to make small qry and grid and setup just an excel export button.. see what happen.
if this works.. then u can be like adding stuf to your test untill you find the actual problem.. like adding a bigger qry, adding more options to the grid.. etc..
mybe this is not soving your problem but I hope this points u to the right direction..
Remember you can always reinstall Koolphp ui.. to make shure its last and stable version.
good luck.
Just noticed... have u tryed to set the buttons inside the FormTag ??
see you are building a form from php echo and not in actual html tags.. try to set the buttons inside the form and see ig it works..
Posted Aug 13, 2015 Kool