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Need a section to allow users to post usage examples.

Anthony Amolochitis
If there is a section to post usage examples for each product, I believe the users can help eachother out.
This will also help in the search for answers to problems that are usually not problems, just misunderstandings about the product.
Posted Dec 1, 2015 Kool -
Do you mean a place that users can post runnable code by themselves?
Posted Dec 1, 2015 Kool
Anthony Amolochitis
Yes, but in a dedicated section. If we have usage examples that we can contribute, then it would help everybody.
Posted Dec 1, 2015 , edited Dec 1, 2015 Kool -
It is interesting idea. They only problem is how to set up a secure sandbox and make sure examples serves correct purpose. I will talk to the if they have any ideas.
Posted Dec 1, 2015 Kool
Anthony Amolochitis
I think a sandbox may not be necessary since it opens up the server for many potential attacks. It may be too time costly to do and manage.
I think just a section in the forum to post working code samples would be fine. This way, say a person wanted to know how to use say the grid event handler, or make use of the tableView object in the row edit event on the client side, then there may be a post in the usage example's forum. It would help with trying to find usage examples for more difficult issues that arise that usually are not available in the demo online.
It would also help with client side usage examples, and other integrations people come up with. No sandbox is needed. People can just show the code to make use of KoolPHP classes, events, client side events, functions, etc...
It could be in the controls forum. There can be a topic section and a KoolPHP users' usage example section.
Posted Dec 1, 2015 , edited Dec 1, 2015 Kool
Oh sure, so I will start first with a sub section under KoolGrid and some other controls called "Code examples".
Posted Dec 3, 2015 , edited Dec 3, 2015 Kool