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GridBoundColumn does not accept input on ie9 or ie10

I have created a KoolGrid to update data in a MySQL table. It works perfectly except when a row is put into edit mode any of the columns that are GridBoundColumns do not accept input. It will let you delete all or part of existing data within that field, but you cannot edit or add any characters. This only happens for this column type. When I go to the demo page: I do not experience this problem. Also, my page does not have this problem when viewed in Chrome or FireFox. I have looked at the source of the demo page to see if that are any ie hacks, but all I could see was a javascript hack for ie6. Any clues? Here is my code, in case I missed something obvious:
require "KoolControls/KoolGrid/koolgrid.php";
require "KoolControls/KoolAjax/koolajax.php";
$koolajax->scriptFolder = "KoolControls/KoolAjax";

$db_con = mysql_connect("xxx","xxx","xxx");

$ds = new MySQLDataSource($db_con);
$ds->SelectCommand = "select o_id, o_name, o_email, o_nmls, o_title_01, o_title_02, o_address_01, o_address_02, o_csz, o_phone, o_cell from tbl_officers";
$ds->UpdateCommand = "update tbl_officers set o_name='@o_name', o_email='@o_email', o_nmls='@o_nmls', o_title_01='@o_title_01', o_title_02='@o_title_02', o_address_01='@o_address_01', o_address_02='@o_address_02', o_csz='@o_csz', o_phone='@o_phone', o_cell='@o_cell' where o_id='@o_id'";
$ds->InsertCommand = "insert into tbl_officers(o_name, o_email, o_nmls, o_title_01, o_title_02, o_address_01, o_address_02, o_csz, o_phone, o_cell) values('@o_name', '@o_lender_app', '@o_email', '@o_nmls', '@o_title_01', '@o_title_02', '@o_address_01', '@o_address_02', '@o_csz', '@o_phone', '@o_cell')";

$grid = new KoolGrid("grid");
$grid->scriptFolder = "KoolControls/KoolGrid";
$grid->DataSource = $ds;

$grid->styleFolder = "sunset";
$grid->AjaxEnabled = true;
$grid->AllowHovering = true;
$grid->AllowGrouping = false;
$grid->AllowMultiSelecting = true;
$grid->AllowSelecting = true;
$grid->DisableAutoGenerateDataFields = true;
$grid->KeepRowStateOnRefresh = true;
$grid->KeepSelectedRecords = true;
$grid->PageSize = 50;
$grid->RowAlternative = true;
$grid->ExportSettings->FileName = "FAL-Officers";
$grid->ExportSettings->IgnorePaging = true;
$grid->MasterTable->AllowDeleting = false;
$grid->MasterTable->AllowEditing = true;
$grid->MasterTable->AllowScrolling = false;
$grid->MasterTable->AllowSorting = false;
$grid->MasterTable->AutoGenerateDeleteColumn = false;
$grid->MasterTable->AutoGenerateEditColumn = true;
$grid->MasterTable->ColumnWrap = false;
$grid->MasterTable->RowAlternative = true;
$grid->MasterTable->ShowFunctionPanel = true;
$grid->MasterTable->ShowGroupPanel = false;
$grid->MasterTable->InsertSettings->Mode = "Form";
$grid->MasterTable->InsertSettings->ColumnNumber = 2;
$grid->MasterTable->EditSettings->Mode = "Inline";
$grid->MasterTable->FunctionPanel->Position = "top";

$column = new GridBoundColumn();
$column->DataField = "o_id";
$column->HeaderText = "ID";
$column->AllowExporting = true;
$column->ReadOnly = true;
$column->Visible = true;

$column = new GridBoundColumn();
$column->DataField = "o_name";
$column->HeaderText = "Name";
$column->AllowExporting = true;
$column->AllowSorting = true;
$column->Visible = true;
$validator = new RequiredFieldValidator();
$validator->ErrorMessage = "The Name field is required";

$column = new GridBoundColumn();
$column->DataField = "o_email";
$column->HeaderText = "Email";
$column->AllowExporting = true;
$column->Visible = true;
$validator = new RequiredFieldValidator();
$validator->ErrorMessage = "The Email field is required";

$column = new GridBoundColumn();
$column->DataField = "o_nmls";
$column->HeaderText = "NMLS #";
$column->AllowExporting = true;
$column->AllowSorting = true;
$column->Visible = true;

$column = new GridDropDownColumn();
$column->DataField = "o_title_01";
$column->HeaderText = "Title 1";
$column->AllowExporting = true;
$column->Visible = true;
$column->AddItem("Assistant Vice President","Assistant Vice President");
$column->AddItem("Vice President","Vice President");
$column->AddItem("Senior Vice President","Senior Vice President");
$column->AddItem("Excecutive Vice President","Excecutive Vice President");

$column = new GridBoundColumn();
$column->DataField = "o_title_02";
$column->HeaderText = "Title 2";
$column->AllowExporting = true;
$column->Visible = true;
$validator = new RequiredFieldValidator();
$validator->ErrorMessage = "The Title 2 field is required";

$column = new GridBoundColumn();
$column->DataField = "o_address_01";
$column->HeaderText = "Address 1";
$column->AllowExporting = true;
$column->Visible = true;
$validator = new RequiredFieldValidator();
$validator->ErrorMessage = "The Address 1 field is required";

$column = new GridBoundColumn();
$column->DataField = "o_address_02";
$column->HeaderText = "Address 2";
$column->AllowExporting = true;
$column->Visible = true;

$column = new GridBoundColumn();
$column->DataField = "o_csz";
$column->HeaderText = "City, State ZIP";
$column->AllowExporting = true;
$column->Visible = true;
$validator = new RequiredFieldValidator();
$validator->ErrorMessage = "The City State ZIP field is required";

$column = new GridBoundColumn();
$column->DataField = "o_phone";
$column->HeaderText = "Phone";
$column->AllowExporting = true;
$column->Visible = true;
$validator = new RequiredFieldValidator();
$validator->ErrorMessage = "The Phone field is required";

$column = new GridBoundColumn();
$column->DataField = "o_cell";
$column->HeaderText = "Cell";
$column->AllowExporting = true;
$column->Visible = true;


$grid->ExportSettings->IgnorePaging = true;
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">Grid
<title>Find A Lender - Officers</title>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<form id="form1" method="post">
<?php echo $koolajax->Render(); ?>
<div style="float:left;width:500px;color:#DE773F;font-family:Arial;"><h1>Find A Lender - Officers</h1></div>
<div style="margin-bottom:10px;padding:10px;width:448px;background:#706557;border:solid 1px #524535;float:right;color:#ffffff;font-family:Arial;">
<input type="checkbox" id="IgnorePaging" name="IgnorePaging"/> <label for="IgnorePaging">Export all - not just this page</label>
<input type="submit" name="ExportToCSV" value = "Export to CSV" />
<input type="submit" name="ExportToExcel" value = "Export to Excel" />
<input type="submit" name="ExportToWord" value = "Export to Word" />
<input type="submit" name="ExportToPDF" value = "Export to PDF" />
<?php echo $grid->Render(); ?>
Posted Sep 18, 2015 Kool
Please download the KoolPHP UI 8.5 and update your KoolGrid to version The issue was addressed in this version.
Anything please let us know.
Posted Sep 18, 2015 Kool
That worked, Peter! Thanks very much.
Posted Sep 18, 2015 Kool
You are welcome :)
Posted Sep 18, 2015 Kool