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Is it possible to use a call to a stored procedure in SQL SERVER as the DataSource of a grid?
I only found the direct statements like SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE.
Another question about KoolGrid:
Testing the Grid I get following PHP-Error: call to undefined function : mb_check_encoding()
I included the library for the Grid and the datasource. Do I miss any other library?
Thank you for an answer
Posted Jun 8, 2017 Kool
Hi Sabine,
At the moment KoolGrid has not supported a stored procedure as a select command for its data source. However, if you only need to display the data and not change it (no editing, inserting or deleting) you could use the AdvancedArrayDataSource (included in KoolGrid/ext/datasources/AdvancedArrayDataSource.php) and called your stored procedure to populate its data.
Regarding the function mb_check_encoding(), please check your PHP version. It should be available for PHP 4 >= 4.4.3, PHP 5 >= 5.1.3, PHP 7 as stated in:
Please let us know if you have any question. Thanks!
Posted Jun 9, 2017 Kool
Hi David,
thank you for your reply.
I have fixed the PHP Error, it was the right PHP-Version but the mb_string library wasn't activated in php.ini.
Is there any other library that I need for KoolPHP?
Where can I find examples or documentation for using KoolPHP together with a PHP-Framework. And which Framework is possible.
Posted Jun 14, 2017 Kool