I have the following scenario: One master query without any parameter to pass to and a dependent query which has one parameter which value I should get from the master query.
$mquery = "SELECT * FROM master";
$stmt = oci_parse($db->MyConn, $mquery );
if( $stmt ){
$r = oci_execute($stmt);
$query = "SELECT * FROM table where param = :param ";
$cmd = oci_parse($db->MyConn, $query );
if($cmd ){
while( ($row = oci_fetch_array($stmt, OCI_ASSOC)) != false ){
$mdc = $row["MEDICAO"]+0;
oci_bind_by_name($cmd,':MEDICAO', $mdc);
$lck = oci_execute($cmd);
while( ($lack = oci_fetch_array($cmd, OCI_ASSOC)) != false ){
$dataArray[] = array("PONTO"=>$row["IDENTIFICACAO"],"MEDIDOR"=>$row["SERIAL"],"DATA"=>$lack["DATA"],"NUMERO"=>$lack["NUMERO"]);
if(count($dataArray) > 0 ){
$ds = new ArrayDataSource($dataArray);
// KoolGrid definition
<cut />
echo $kgLckMm->RenderGrid(); // OR Render() ???
Is there a way of refreshing the data from this scenario using KoolGrid::AttachData ? I need to refresh the master query also !
Another option (which I'd rather) could be using AJAX and mount the KoolGrid using another script and paste the result on the main page. Is that possible ?
Best regards.
Jayme Jeffman