The problem is that I can't find a simple solution how to mask the text of the password column or just make an input element with "type=password" instead of "type=text" like the ones koolgrid normally creates.
So far I came uple with the following solution, using a customColumn and the following templates.
$column->ItemTemplate = '<div class="passwordColumn">{password}</div>';
$column->EditItemTemplate = '<div class="passwordColumn"> <input id="pw_input" class="kgrEnNoPo" name="password" type="password" value={password} style="width:100%"/> </div>';
This works fine for displaying and editing existing data, but the EditItemTemplate is not displayed for inserts. So there is currently no way to define a password when inserting a new user.
So is there a simple way to just make a normal databoundcolumn with "type=password" or to somehow define an insert template for a column?
I guess it would be possible to solve this issue by making an template for the whole insert form, but this seems like too much trouble for me, for what I want to achieve.