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Example on how to create a custom form for editing and inserting

Does there exist a code example on how to configure KoolGrid to use a custom HTML form for editing and Inserting.
I see the option for inline vs form, but nothing for using different HTML to render the form.
Posted Aug 26, 2015 Kool
Hi there Scott i think you are looking for this:
	//Create inserting template.
	class MyInsertTemplate implements GridTemplate
		function Render($_row)
			$html  = "<input id='city_input'  name='city_input' type='text' />"; User input
			$html .= "<input type='button' value='Confirm' onclick='grid_confirm_insert(this)'/>"; //Render confirm button.
			$html .= "<input type='button' value='Cancel' onclick='grid_cancel_insert(this)'/>"; //Render cancel button.
			return $html;
		function GetData($_row)
			return array("city"=>$_POST["city_input"]);
	$grid->MasterTable->InsertSettings->Mode = "Template";
	$grid->MasterTable->InsertSettings->Template = new MyInsertTemplate();
Posted Aug 26, 2015 Kool -
In addition to Abraham good answer, GridTemplate can be used for both Inserting and Editing.
Here is a small working example which uses GridTemplate:
In above example, we build a custom Inserting with capability of loading countries list via ajax for user to select.
Hope that help.
Posted Aug 27, 2015 Kool