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Is there a simple way of making editable and hyperlinked column?

Ron Grayson
I want to make a gridboundcolumn that is a hyperlink when you are not editing.
Specifically, I want to display an email address. If you want to, you should be able to edit it.
(That works now using GridBoundColumn)
But when you AREN'T editing, I want to display the email as a "mailto:" hyperlink so people can click and send an email to that address.
I can use a GridCustomColumn to DISPLAY the email as hyperlink -- but then I lose the editing!
Is there some simple way to combine these to to do both?
- Larry Groebe
Dallas Texas
Posted Mar 8, 2016 Kool
Hi Ron,
Can you show how you are able to create the DISPLAY email hyperlink via a CustomColumn? I can't figure out how to add the mailto hyperlink. Thanks for your help!
Posted Jun 1, 2017 Kool
Anthony Amolochitis
To display a mailto hyperlink here is your href in your anchor tag.
<a href="">your anchor text</a>

If you are trying to edit some field and display it as well, but the edit value is different than the display value, you need to use custom edit templates.
I shared some edit templates here.
Also, you can view the docs on how to use them as well. Here is their edit template.
Posted Jun 2, 2017 Kool
can you show me how to add the variables within a KoolPHP grid? I can't get the email address to populate? This is not working.
$columna = new GridBoundColumn();
    $columna->DataField = "email";
	$columnEmail = new GridCustomColumn();
	$columnEmail->ItemTemplate  = "<a href=mailto:$columna>$columna</a>";
Posted Jun 5, 2017 Kool
Anthony Amolochitis
Your data field is "email"
So change your row with the ItemTemplate to :
$columnEmail->ItemTemplate  = "<a href=mailto:{email}> {email} </a>";

You might need quotes around the href string though. I didn't check on that.
This should work though.
Posted Jun 5, 2017 Kool
That works!! Thank you
Posted Jun 5, 2017 Kool -